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Contact a San Diego Tax Lawyer
Dealing with the IRS or other tax authorities can be stressful and time consuming. We are available to help you understand your rights and provide peace-of-mind. Call today for a free phone consultation.
San Marcos, California
- 760-932-0042
Spaulding Legal, APC
338 Via Vera Cruz, Suite 260
San Marcos, CA 92078 -
Mon -Fri : 9 am to 5:30 pm
Sat – 10am to 2pm (by appointment only)
Sunday – Closed
- From Escondido, California take the 78 West and exit at San Marcos Blvd.
- From Oceanside and Vista, California take the 78 East and exit San Marcos Blvd.
- From Carlsbad and Encinitas, California take Palomar Airport Road East and turn left on Via Vera Cruz.
- From Poway, Rancho Bernardo, and San Diego, California tax the 15 North to the 78 West and exit San Marcos Blvd.